How to read the message on Betrayal of Anne Frank
Central in the book The betrayal of Anne Frank is a message delivered in 1958 to Otto Frank. It reads
Your hiding place was communicated to the Jüdische Auswanderung by A. Van den Bergh living in the oranje nassaulaan. The J.A posessed a list of adresses delivered by him.
You can read this message in two different ways. The first one is obvious the second one is you read it backwards as in “The JA posessed a list by notary vd Bergh SO he must have been the one who communicated the hiding place to the nazi’s”. I’m sure you should read in this “backward” way.
The second sentence is fact, the first is derived from this fact but not necessarily true. Firstly because the notary was at the moment of the betrayal himself in hiding. Secondly because a list does not imply that this list was in person delivered by the notary to the nazi’s.
Maybe someone left the list in safe deposite in the office of the notary. The nazi’s searched the office and found the list. I’m sure the jewish notary did not himself betray the hiding place. He did not have a motive on august 4 and could not leave his hiding place.
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